Melzer Media

Headquarters for Michael Melzer, independent media professional

Corrections for The Patriot Pirate paperback 2016 edition:

Page 9 (bottom of page): “One of the privateer ships was American-built”

Page 15 (map): “Prisoners sent to Menorca

Page 54 (bottom of page): "In June of 1816, Bouchard and the Consecuencia..."

Pages 82-83: Bouchard actually landed at Port Rumyantsev (today’s Bodega Bay), which served as the main port for the Russian settlement at Fort Ross.

Page 103: Rephrase: “As Bouchard’s ships neared Acajutla (port for today’s Sonsonate, El Salvador), a small boat was sent to investigate, and there was finally a sign that the improvised Central American incursion might pay off—a Spanish brigantine was docked there. On shore a force of civilian defenders, gathered from across the kingdom of Guatemala, lay in wait; by now, the two ships of “godless insurgents” were well known. Captain Bouchard ordered the Santa Rosa to maneuver alongside the port, and let loose a volley of cannon fire. The inexperienced defenders fled the scene alongside panicked locals, and the rebel privateers swiftly captured the Spanish ship.”

Page 132: “taken the reins of power”


Bibliography for The Patriot Pirate, by Michael Melzer, ©2016

Note: This Bibliography is a partial list, and is gradually being updated.  The most recent update was on 11 December, 2018.


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Partial list of Archival Collections:

Archivo General de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Bancroft Library, University of California-Berkeley, United States.

California History Room, Monterey Public Library, California, United States.

Colton Hall Museum, Monterey, California, United States.

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